In today’s day and age, kitchen designs have become more innovative and an integral part that ties the home together, providing a space where the family can gather to enjoy quality time over a meal, a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine while either discussing the day ahead, or reminiscing over one which has passed.
Whether home-owners are considering overhauling their current kitchen design, refresh a tired cabinet, or revamp a certain colour scheme, Ultra-Modern Kitchens offers the perfect solution, with 2021 known as the “year of the living kitchen” where function meets technology and aesthetic to provide the perfect space that can be enjoyed by each member of the family.
Kitchen designs in Johannesburg are synonymous with style and fashion, while simultaneously ensuring that day-to-day life is made easier.

Which are the best Kitchen Designs in Johannesburg for 2021?
The expertise that Ultra-Modern Kitchen has, enables them to combine different materials, textures, colours, and lighting, magically transforming the kitchen into an intimate space where activities such as relaxing, cooking, and entertainment can prevail.
With the sixth month of the year having arrived, it is safe to say that there are a few specific kitchen designs that are outshining the rest.
L-Shaped Kitchen Designs
These types of designs are inherently known for solving the challenges faced with maximising corner space. It is a smart design that is used especially in small and medium-sized kitchens, especially such as those in smaller apartments in Johannesburg, and other major cities where people often compromise size for affordability.
One-Wall Kitchen Designs
These designs are not an entirely new concept in the kitchen space. However, recently, more people have begun to see that this type of design holds a substantial amount of potential. The design involves the kitchen being limited to one wall, benefiting the household in a variety of ways.
It provides for more space while simultaneously breaking up an open floor plan from the kitchen through to the dining and living room.
U-Shape Kitchen Designs
This unique kitchen design accommodates a variety of purposes, especially those involving high-efficiency cooking. The U-Shape design, however, can be fully utilised in kitchens that are spacious and have a setting leaning towards luxury in addition to being a possibility in smaller kitchens that have a casual setting.
With the U-Shape kitchen design, it provides an organised and functional interior setting that helps you do your cooking in a well-organised, neat way.
Island Kitchen Designs
Island Kitchen designs have been popular for years and they feature the iconic standalone pieces as focal points in contemporary kitchen design layouts. They are ideal for definition of spaces, and they are also inherently known for the style statement that they make.
Open Shelving Kitchen Designs
Instead of hiding everything behind grand cupboard doors, an emerging kitchen design involves using open shelving. It is an incredibly new and innovative concept, especially with an increasing decluttering and excess-purging movement inspired by the marriage between beauty and function that open shelving has become known for.
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