Know what it is you do best. You should write down a list with things you enjoy doing and you can do them well. At this point, don’t think about jobs, just your talent and interests.
You should list all the things you love doing, even if you think it can’t earn money. Read more about the recruitment market on Certus to help to guide you in your career change.
Try remembering what other people have told you about yourself.
Let’s say there are some friends who have told you how good you are when it comes to choosing interior decorations and colours. Add that to the list.
The next step is noting down the skills and talents those activities need.
Choosing interior decorations and design will need attention to detail and observations skills.
Note down your training and experience. You can count volunteering. If you just know little things about many things, just write them down.
Then you will start thinking about jobs. What are some occupations that need your talent?
Go online. Try terms such as career skills, job skills, and whatever else crosses your mind.
You will then start narrowing the list into possible careers – you should try making it three or four.
You can continue making changes to the list till you are confident that the field you have chosen is where you will feel comfortable in. You will then narrow it into just one then put complete focus on it.
Take time to learn as much as possible about your new career.
Go online and find out more.
Make a trip to your local library. Reference librarians are usually great when it comes to finding information.
Another great place is the local government employment office, you will be able to learn about opportunities in your career field. You can inquire about training programs.
Interview people already working in the field you are interested in. You should keep in mind that you are not asking them about their job, but the career itself. What skills are the most important in that career? What do they like about it? What is the career really like?
If you do this then change your mind, don’t worry, you can just start over and move to the next career you are interested in. In the long run, it will be worth it. If you are sure about the career you have selected, then you can go to the next step.
Keeping your old job if possible
One strange thing is that you increase your chances of getting hired if you are employed. You should consider going for a lower-level job in the new field so you can learn what you need to be able to advance your new career.
Is more training needed?
You should check colleges and vocational schools in the area. You should find more about specific training and job placement services they are offering. Ask if there are classes you can attend while still working. Most of them usually provide evening and weekend classes.
If there are no classes or training programs in your area, reach out to human resource departments in companies that are hiring people in your new career then find out if they have on-the-job training. This is not a job interview, but you should be treating it as one. You should dress appropriately, put your best foot forward, prepare questions, take your resume, and talk about the skills and experience you have.
Joining a professional organization or union. You will find an organization for almost all careers. Go online and do a search.
Once you have the training and skills needed, you can polish your resume then start looking for a job.