Blind Centric offers you specifically made products to suit your needs and applications. Our products and suppliers have been tried and tested and in our opinion are the best quality the Market has to offer. . We have an in house team with over 12 years of Hands on installation experience, to make sure your products are professionally installed for your peace of mind and for factory warranty purposes.
Blind Centric been in business for 11 years and has a great following of loyal clients who benefit from our after sales service, quality products and Network of other great service providers.
We are members of BNI and Action Coach who keep us on our toes and always in search of new ideas and ways of servicing you, our clients better.
We offer all our clients Free lifetime minor repairs to show our dedication to you and our products, not only now but in the future too.
Our product offerings include all types of blinds, indoor and outdoor, Shutters, security and none security and Sandblast vinyl for windows where blinds cannot fit.
Send us a message on this platform and we will call you back to set up an appointment and lets see what we can do for you.