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“VitaGene is an online store, designed to make high quality nutritional and skin care products readily available to you, founded in 2017 to provide health and skincare practitioners with the ability to dispense these professional-grade products to their patients, seamlessly and cost-effectively. Choosing health and skincare products can be a daunting exercise. However, all the products in the VitaGene store have been thoroughly researched by our registered qualified practitioners and are highly recommended. We are constantly investing in our knowledge base on the latest technologies available, the latest nutritional developments, and the newest products produced internationally.

Our in-house product specialist, Jean Mills (BSc Med (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics) has a thorough knowledge of all our products and provides technical support to practitioners in selecting the appropriate products for their patients across the multiple brands available.”

Contact Information
Tokai Village Centre, Vans Road, Dreyersdal, Cape Town, South Africa, Western-Cape
Phone: 0101098705

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