Running a business in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic has proven to not only be challenging but educating too. Many industries have had to adjust to many new and unconventional ways of doing things as the digital world gained traction. But, what about essential industries such as the food production industry? In this article, we will take a look at how sustainable food production resources can help your business and ways you can ensure that you remain true to your business while enjoying the benefits of digital transformation in the food industry – especially the agriculture industry.
The A In Africa Stands For Agriculture
It’s no secret that Africa is one of the continents that are rich in agriculture and natural resources manufacturing. However, this industry, like many others, has suffered at the hands of the Covid-19 pandemic while still dealing with its own pre-pandemic challenges. Mismanagement of resources, lack of opportunities for underprivileged areas and marginalised people, as well as the lack of education among various demographic groups, has made the agriculture industry experience challenges in development and growth over the years, and the Covid-19 pandemic has elevated said challenges. However, with the new way of doing things, African countries have been immersing themselves in skills and spaces that let them learn more about doing business in the digital era. With upskilling programmes, courses, as well as community upliftment programmes, the agriculture industry is showing signs of improvements amidst these trying times.
The Benefits Of Digital Transformation In The Agricultural Industry
According to experts, roughly 33% of global food production for human consumption is lost or wasted every year, and global food demand is set to increase by 35% by 2030. The digital transformation of agriculture will impact this industry in a positive way.
“Digital transformation is freeing farmers from their fields and disrupting local economies and long-established working methods. Using smartphones, tablets or conventional computers, connected agricultural solutions provide farmers with real efficiencies, such as remote measurement of soil condition, equipment, livestock and crop monitoring.”
Resources Needed
According to research, transforming and migrating to the digital world requires a change in equipment, material and resources. And the agriculture industry is no different. This is because digital technologies have the potential to revolutionise agriculture by helping farmers work more precisely, efficiently and sustainably. Data-driven insights can improve decision-making and practices and help increase environmental performance while making the job more attractive to younger generations. Digital technologies also have the potential to offer consumers greater transparency as to how their food is produced and manufactured and how they can help in the mission to get more and more people interested in sustainable agriculture and farming.
Evolution Of Agriculture
Thanks to the digital world, the agricultural industry now has newer and better ways to function, from using technology to determine when the rain will come to having sensors that track which soil is moist enough for farming. The growth has been accepted widely by farmers and agripreneurs across the globe.
The Doors Of Food Production Are Open To Everyone
When it comes to farming and food production businesses, many may argue that it is an industry lacking youth involvement. However, in recent years, it has been evident that young people are taking an interest in farming and sustainable agriculture. The Covid-19 pandemic also accelerated youth involvement when a lot of young people found themselves without employment or with less income than usual, having to get involved in the food production and supply business because it retains their livelihoods.
There are banks and financial institutions that are committed to giving you all the information and resources you need when running this sort of business to help you make sense of this vast industry. The trick is to immerse yourself with as much information as possible and join different communities and groups with like-minded people.
Financial Assistance In The Digital Age
As a demanding industry itself, the agricultural sector often relies on investments to prosper. By investments, we mean proper materials and resources that will ensure food growth and production remains sustainable. Admittedly, it hasn’t been easy for many businesses to stay afloat due to the pandemic, the already-evolving digital world rippling into everything, and a lack of human resources. However, with offerings such as industry finance, your agriculture or food supply business can stay operational. This is because, with industry finance, you get to supplement all your new or upgraded equipment and materials, making it easy to function, and you are able to use your business’s money for other things such as paying employee salaries or saving up to pay off the business mortgage.
When it comes to applying for agriculture or industry finance, the steps are easy. Simply calculate your affordability and see your potential premium, then choose which amount you’d like to be financed with, and you will have feedback within minutes.
Final Words
For an industry in high demand, the agriculture and food supply sector is working tirelessly to provide enough sustainable products to retain lives and livelihoods. If you are a food or agriculture business looking to grow yourself in this demanding digital world, invest in the knowledge of how industry finance works and find out how you can benefit from all the resources designed to help you and other entrepreneurs.